Forty-Spotted Pardalote Biography
The Forty-spotted Pardalote is a small bird with a very short bill. It is a dull olive-green above with a pale grey chest and belly. The face and under the tail are olive-yellow. The wings are black, with prominent white spots, twenty on each side, that give the bird its name.
The Forty-spotted Pardalote is a small bird with a very short bill. It is a dull olive-green above with a pale grey chest and belly. The face and under the tail are olive-yellow. The wings are black, with prominent white spots, twenty on each side, that give the bird its name.
The Forty-spotted Pardalote is similar to the Spotted Pardalote, P. punctatus, especially the female. However it lacks the white eye-stripe, spotted crown and red-brown rump of this species and has a distinct greenish tinge to its upperparts.
The Forty-spotted Pardalote is endemic to Tasmania but is now extremely rare, being found in fragmented populations in south-eastern Tasmania and on Flinders, Bruny and Maria Islands .
The Forty-spotted Pardalote lives in forests and woodlands close to the coast. It favours forests dominated by the manna gum, Eucalyptus viminalis, foraging on it almost exclusively. It sometimes comes into the suburbs of Hobart .
Pairs or small groups of Forty-spotted Pardalotes forage in the canopy of trees for insects, larvae and manna. They especially favour lerps.
Forty-spotted Pardalotes nest in hollows in the limbs or trunks of mature trees. They may also use stumps and logs, and occasionally nest in the ground. They sometimes must compete with the more dominant Striated Pardalote for nest sites, which they can more successfully defend as part of a small nesting colony. A domed or cup-shaped nest of fibrous bark and grass, lined with feathers or fur is built in the hollow. Both sexes build the nest and feed the young.
Forty-Spotted Pardalote
Forty-Spotted Pardalote
Forty-Spotted Pardalote
Forty-Spotted Pardalote
Forty-Spotted Pardalote
Forty-Spotted Pardalote
Forty-Spotted Pardalote
Forty-Spotted Pardalote
Forty-Spotted Pardalote
Spotted Pardalote
Spotted Pardalote or Pardalotus punctatus
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