Adelie Penguin Biography
The Adelie penguin is a medium-sized penguin of sturdy appearance. The head does not have a crest but the rear of the crown is peaked, which is characteristic of the species. The head and chin are black. The bill is black with a dark red base and tip and appears stubby because it is covered with feathers for half its length. A conspicuous white eye-ring gives the bird a staring appearance. The feet are flesh pink.
The Chinstrap Penguin, P. Antarctica, has a longer bill, and a white face crossed by a thin black line. The Gentoo Penguin, P. Papua, is larger (80 cm long) with a black and yellow or orange bill, and a white patch over the top of the head.
Adelie Penguins are found mainly at sea in southern oceans around the coasts and islands of Antarctica , and only very rarely appear on the Australian coast, in winter.
Adelie Penguins live mainly at sea, generally within the limits of pack-ice.
Adelie Penguins feed mainly on fish, crustaceans, amphipods and cephalopods. They can dive to about 175 m but usually feed up to 70 m below the water's surface.
Adelie Penguins breed in summer, mainly on the rocky platforms of islands of southern oceans. The nests are made out of small stones, and males and females share incubation and care of the young almost equally.
Adelie Penguin
Adelie Penguin
Adelie Penguin
Adelie Penguin
Adelie Penguin
Adelie Penguin
Adelie Penguin
Adelie Penguin
Adelie Penguin
Adelie penguin,Cape Royds, Antarctica
Penguin Jumping On And Off an Iceberg.
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